I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to start the P90X doubles or Classic this time around, and since the first month of both are the same, I didn’t need to decide right away. Today I started the Doubles routine after having a diet fail this last weekend. But that omelet and waffle sure soaked up the wine from the night before!
Cardio X is a pretty easy workout. It’s only 45 minutes long and combines a little bit of Yoga, Plyometrics, Kenpo and Core Synergistics. Something like 4 moves from each workout. It gets the heartrate going, but doesn’t kill you. It wakes me up in the morning better than that cup of coffee, too. That was my morning workout.
In the evening, it was time for Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. This was a GREAT workout! I really like the moves in this routine and there’s nothing in particular I dread. I little bit of tenderness in the right shoulder after this workout, so I took some ibuprofen as a preventive medicine.
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