I’ve done this before and kicked myself for doing it. Today I did it again, but not quite so badly. I got home and was feeling pretty run down. I didn’t feel like doing plyo today, so I took some Nitric Oxide (N.O. Xplode) for the energy. It does just that! After about 15 minutes I was hopping around ready to go. The problem with doing it with plyometrics or any leg workout in this series in the “pump” you get from using it.
The “pump” is when your muscles get engorged with blood during high intensity workout. This supplies much needed oxygen and nutrients to the muscle. Certain hormones and nitric oxide (N.O.) really get things going. You know you’ve achieved pump (hyperemia) when you’re worked out so hard that skin feels tight around the muscle like it’s going to pop. That’s a good thing!… most of the time. I find that on the hopping around workouts, that pump can get in the way. It happens early in the workout and makes going down deep pretty scary. It doesn’t feel like you can support yourself. I always can, so I think it may be more of a psychological thing.
Today I didn’t do too bad. I only took a partial scoop whereas before I had taken two. I only got a tightness in the squats towards the end of the workout. That’s no doubt going to lead to some great hypertrophy. So I’m torn on whether to use any going forward. I do know that if I do, it’ll be in small doses for leg workouts. For the normal weight routines, hell yes!
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