I switched it up a bit today. Instead of doing the normal legs and back routine, I ran. I’ve got the the big race (cough cough) coming up in a month, the Warrior Dash! While I don’t expect to be any where near the leaders during the race, I would like to finish. That’s where the beer is!
The whole idea is muscle confusion, right? Well throwing running into the P90X routine does just that. I can already tell I’m going to be sore in areas of the legs I don’t normally get. It’s interesting how running still works muscles that nothing in the P90X program does.
I used the RunKeeper app on the iphone for the first time today. It worked well. I was able to track my distance on a map, see my total time and average pace at different intervals through the route. This was also my first chance to use the additional gear I bought for running last year and never got around to using.
The Sennheiser PMX80 Sport Series II Behind the Head Ear Phones For Sports turned out to be some great earphones. I have rather small ear canals for some reason or another and normal earbuds will just not stay in at all. It’s quite frustrating. I heard good reviews about these and dropped the cash. When I used them today they didn’t budge and inch and were comfortable the whole time. The sound was great too. Lots of bass!
The other item was the Tuneband for iPhone. This is a soft gel like case for the iphone that straps to your arm. The screen is left open for use. It slips in rather easily, so I was concerned with the bouncing knocking it out, but it stayed right in place.
Here’s the result of today’s run from RunKeeper. I didn’t push it too hard as I’m curious as to how my plantar fasciitis is going to hold up. I jogged all the way to the turn around point and then about half walked and half jogged on the way back. Got a stitch in my side for a while there on the way back. All in all I’m satisfied with the first run of the year.
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