This is a workout that I don’t dread like I do the original Yoga X video. I think mainly because it’s only half as long. So maybe that’s cheating in the whole P90X plan, but even in the video Tony says that Fountain of Youth Yoga is a replacement for the Yoga X video. So there!
The One-on-One workouts take place in his little backyard exercise room which is pretty cool. I’d love to have my own room like this! I’ve informed my piggy bank. It’s just him and the camera man. Nobody else to walk around and point out form with. Just him struggling through the yoga and adjusting his mic and watching himself in the mirror.
It’s seems Tony has gained a bit of flexibility since the original P90X videos, too! I’m not quite to this level of flexibility (read: not even close), but I can at least stand on my hands now.