The 2 week break may was well be called a “too weak” break, cause my numbers have gone down! Get it???
More importantly is that I didn’t have a hint of pain or hesitation in the shoulder. I think (knock on wood) that I may be totally over the rotator cuff injury from last fall. I did run out of energy, though. I at least partially blame it on the amount of sleep I’m getting. I’ve currently got my alarm set to 2:30am every day so I can get up and do some server work that can only be done at that time. It’s hard to get back to sleep after that. Or get to sleep in the first place when you know you’ll be up in a few hours, for that matter.
Oh, and I’m REALLY sore from Monday’s workout. It hurt’s so god.
I did pick up a new recovery drink yesterday. I straight ran out and didn’t plan far enough ahead to place an order. I left it sitting in the front seat of the car from noon until 5pm and look what happened!
That sucker collapsed from the May Texas heat. If it were August, I may have had a seat full of molten recovery drink.
This is Size On – Pre Contest. Size On has a maximum performance version and a pre-contest (think body building) version. Size On has been known as a high creatine intra (take it while you workout) and post (take it after, duh) workout drink . The pre-contest has less carbs and is supposedly for cutting before slathering on that fake tan and prancing around on stage in a thong. Sounds perfect!