I’m sure we’ve all been in this situation:
You often plan on working out right when you get home. Before that, you check my email, then maybe have a snack because you’re going to need that fuel, fold some laundry since it’s just been laying there all day and play a quick video game because you deserve it, damnit! You can also try playing at an online gambling site like Casino Zeus, which can definitely make you happy. All the while you’re pushing off your workout until later and later in the evening. By then it’s a matter of just having to get it done in time to cool down before bed. By the time you actually start my workout, you’re tired and don’t put forth your best effort.
If you had done your workout in the morning, you wouldn’t be in this situation! Here’s why you should work out in the morning.
You’ll skip less workouts.
Sure, when you first start an AM training routine, you’ll be fight an epic battle with the snooze bar. That won’t last long. If you make it a point to get up for a solid week, you’re starting to develop a habit. You got up for a reason and that’s to work out.
It’s easy, when working out later in the day, for something else to come up and interrupt your workout cycle.* You've had a stressful day at work and are worn out.
* You had a flat tire on the way home.
* You had a FAT Tire at the bar with buddies to celebrate a promotion.
There are countless obstacles that can derail you. If you get that workout done early, you’ve already given it top priority
The rest of the day is yours!
Instead of having that “still gotta workout” chant going on in the back of your mind all day and into the evening. You’re free to relax when you get home! Well, maybe. At least the workout is not what you’ve got to occupy your time with.
You’ll eat better.
You know how you feel once you’ve worked out? Feels good, right? You’re pumped up and not about to waste it by eating junk food or hitting the drive thru on the way home. Now you’ve got that feeling first thing in the morning! You’ll not even be tempted to grab one of the office donuts or feel the need for a soda to keep you going because…
You’ll wake yourself up faster
Getting your blood flowing makes your brain sharper. More alert. Hitting the weights or the track early is getting your mind right before you’ve got to drag your ass to work. Take this time in the morning to plan your day and hit with a running (ha) start. You’ve got an adrenaline rush and a feeling accomplishment to start your day off right.
You’ll burn more fat
When you exert yourself, your body’s immediate source of fuel is stored carbohydrates. You’re going to consume carbs, glycogen and sugars throughout the day and that’s going to be the first fuel you burn through. When you first wake up, you’re low on stored carbs having burned them off overnight. You haven’t eaten in 8 hours. That forces your body to go to it’s secondary source of fuel, stored fat!
You’ll burn more calories through the day
Exercising raises your metabolism and it can stay elevated for 24 hours. So the rest of the day, you’re burning more calories at rest.
You’ll be in a better mood
You’ve got the sense of accomplishment. You’re metabolism is up. Your adrenaline is pumping. You’ve finally started getting to work on time. You’re making the right eating choices. The rest of your day is yours. You can’t help but be in a better mood throughout the day!
Have you have success working out in the morning? Post in the comments if you’ve found it helpful!