After a fall and holiday season of basically maintaining, I’m going to be starting up another round of P90X after the first of the year! I’m quite excited!
Since my last round ended in the summer, I’ve been going to the gym to lift heavy weights and running when the weather is nice. I’ve not done near as many pull ups as I would have doing P90X, so I know that’s going to be a challenge to overcome. Also, even though I’ve been doing a lot of bench presses, I can tell that my push-ups are suffering. It’s really amazing all of the extra muscles that get worked when you’re doing a push-up rather than laying on your back.
It’s easy to set a new date for yourself to start a workout plan and then totally let go until that point. I’ve done it many times. Part of your brain is telling you that you’ll be excited about the immediate weight loss once you start! There may be some bit of truth to that, but if you’ve got your goal in mind of getting fitter than you already are, you’re really hurting yourself. There’s really no need to take that first step back before leaping in. That being said. I plan enjoy Christmas time with the family and enjoy grandma’s cooking, but that’s about it! No need to add on more pounds that I’ll just have to work off again.
It’s now time to start preparing. Doing prep work like making snacks ahead of time, getting spreadsheets in order, ordering supplements, and setting up your custom recipes on Daily Burn gets me excited to start the program! I’ll just be that much more prepared when I start and have less excuses to slack off.
The other half of my preparation is a bit of rest. I’ve got a lingering bit of wrist pain when I put my palm flat on the floor or do certain curls. I’m pretty sure this is tendinitis and I just need to lay off for a while. That’s hard to do when you’ve got a goal in mind, but this is for the best. I’m going to rest that wrist and a tweaky groin and just stick to some stability exercises and running for the rest of the year. I want to feel as good as I can when I start.
Now to get others to start with me!