Oh man, I gotta get this place cleaned up! I’ve got so many questions to ask! You see, my heels touched the ground during the sneaky lunges, so apparently Tony is on his way! Although… he didn’t say when. Hmm…. I can’t keep this place clean ALL the time.
Today’s workout was Legs and Back plus Ab Ripper X. Legs and Back is the routine that makes me sweat the most out of all of the DVDs. I attribute it to using the largest muscles. You’re bound to get hot and sweaty working your quads so much. Well I really brought it today! I was a bit disappointed in how long I was keeping my single leg wall squats going, but I suppose that just gives me something else to work on.
Has anybody else noticed how the video gets out of synch during some of the lunges? When they switch between close-ups, they’re on different parts of the move. Quite irritating when you’re following along. It would also be nice if the reps were more in time with the music. That way, if we don’t want to watch the video and get irritated, we can just listed to the music. Then again, I may just be too bitches after watching it 50 times.
Ab Ripper… again! So soon! Oh well, I got through about half of it again. I’m really going to need this weekend to recover in the mid section before attempting it again. When even the first rep hurts, it’s a little disheartening.
Talk to you tomorrow!
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