In order for you to be able to workout at peak performance, you need the energy to get through a workout. You get the fuel for that energy by the way of calories. You get those calories from eating. On Sunday, I didn’t eat much. I was recovering from a 6am-er the night before and pretty much recovered on the couch. What I ate was clean, but it was only two meals worth. There’s just not a lot of time in the day to eat when you wake up at 1:30pm!
That lack of calories really showed in today’s Chest and Back workout. This is normally a workout that I can really push hard and strive to beat last week’s numbers. I just couldn’t today. I would push and push until failure, but that failure would consistently be 1-2 reps behind what I did last week.
I got a moderate amount of rest the night before and I had all of my calories Monday leading up to the workout. But that day before with only around 1000 calories really affected me. I always find it intriguing to compare how I perform during a workout to my nutrition log. It stays consistent, if I don’t get enough calories, I don’t perform as well.
I still feel I’m making gains even though my numbers don’t show it. My muscles feel exhausted and I believe they will be getting sore. I’m ready for another clean week and I’ll be ready to crush my results next week!
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