I did my plyo today and I did the whole thing! But I was doing homework at the same time. Not schooling in the traditional sense, but more like video research. I plan on watching the last season of Lost with my girl, but I haven’t watched it in years. And even then, never watched week by week. I just waited a few years and caught up at once. Well this year I did the same. 2 seasons in 3 days. Tonight was the last episode before the new season and I was cramming it in before I had to leave for the “watch party”.
I had plyo playing on the computer. I’ve done it so many times that I don’t need to watch anything; I just have to listen for the cues. The only problem is, when there is something else going on, I tend to lose a bit of intensity. Oh well, heart rate still got up there. Legs burn like hell. Good workout.
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