Core Synergistics. Man. I could not complete a lot of these exercises. I don’t think this is the most intensive workout, but I have a harder time doing this than with Plyometrics. It just goes to show how mixing things up are more of a workout. I do plyo a lot more than I’ve ever done Core Synergistics. You get used to doing certain moves and get efficient at doing them. You’re no pushing through stuff that you used to.
Not only is it the fact that I don’t do this routine much, the lack of flexibility becomes a hindrance. My legs hit my gut in the Chataranga Run. My arms and butt cramp during the table dips. Dreya Roll? Forget about it! Gut in the way once again. Perhaps I should get rid of that thing!
It’s not all bad, though! I do get a major benefit from this routine in that it involves a lot of plank exercises. Plank exercises really work the rotator cuff. My physical therapist recommended that I do a lot of plank exercises to help increase stability and reduce further injury. I did some, but I think I should have been pressing play on this routine. I think I may be working this in on extra days.
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