This is officially the most I’ve weighed while attempting to do P90X. Tipping the scales at a robust 195 lbs is really taking it’s toll on me. I took a peek in my P90X journal from previous years and got an idea of what numbers I put up in the past. uhhh… I’m not there […]
Day 18 – Skipping Yoga??
Thursday was the day for Yoga. Generally, it’s Fountain of Youth Yoga. But starting on Tuesday, I’ve had some shoulder funkiness. It doesn’t feel like muscle pain, but more down in the socket. It’s been popping a long during ballistic stretches as well. What I opted for instead was to sit out today’s workout. I […]
Day 11 – First Yoga Session as a Cancer
What?? Me a Cancer? That’s ridiculous! I’m a Leo all the way, baby! meow Apparently due to a shift in the access of the earth, the Zodiac signs have shifted as well? And on top of that, another one sneaks in for some attention? What the hell is a Ophiuchus? These truly are the end […]
Day 4 – Substituting Yoga X with Fountain of Youth Yoga
Today was the day allotted for Yoga X in the P90X program. I find it very hard to get myself going on that. It takes an hour and a half to go through and just don’t have that kind of time most weeks. So I did the next best thing and did Fountain of Youth […]
P90X R2 Day 39 – Yoga and Chest
This is my first extra workout on a Thursday. As I mentioned last week, I’m now adding an additional chest workout to my week on Thursday or Friday. This week it’s Thursday. I took the day off work to recover a bit from the amount of work I’ve been doing. So after a nice, late […]